
Wednesday 2 October 2013



  • Diegetic: this is sound that the actors can hear and is present in the area which they are located within the scene.
  • Non diegetic: This is sound that the actors themselves cannot here, such as a sound track or voice over. These types of sounds are normally added using editing after filming, during editing.
  • Dialogue: This is how spoken dialogue sounds during a scene, like how a persons voice sounds, do they have an accent? etc
  • Voice overs: These are often used to get inside the actors head during a film or scene. These tend to be added during the editing process on top of the diegetic sound.
  • Contrapuntal: This is a type of sound which contrasts what is happening in the scene. Above I have given an example of this in the film 'Incidious'. Another example of this is in Die Hard, during an office fight scene, all the audience can hear is the music that is playing in the cleaners headphones. This is very effective as it contrasts the fight happening behind her, it adds a comical element to the action.
  • On screen sounds: This is sound that is being produced in shot that you can see.
  • Off screen sound: This is sound that is not being produced in view of the camera that you cant see.

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